This project is a simple full-stack website that consists of a customer-facing menu form and an administrative-facing management dashboard.
Customers are able to view, add, and edit menu items and add them into an active shopping cart session, as well as specify the delivery information for the order form. Once the order form is submitted, the order information is posted into a PSQL database. Shop admins will verify the order items and confirm the order via the provided contact information
Shop owners can add, edit, and delete menu items from the dashboard, as well as upload menu images stored in the Cloudinary API. If a store wants to remove a menu item from the storefront without deleting it, the item can be moved to inactive.
In the dashboard orders section, owners can view current order forms with their information, generate invoices, as well as marking an order as completed. The dashboard also provides a summary of the number of items that needs to be made on a current order period.